This feature of our service lets you know the exact location of your ordered product at any given time. It removes your tension about the safety and on time arrival of the product.
It ensures tailored service to our valued customers. We know that every client is unique so is his issue and this is why we provide a dedicated account manager for every customer to deal with his issues.
We don’t charge any storage fee from our clients. You can store and consolidate your goods before shipments in free of cost.
Re-packing DG and fragile goods before shipments is one of our unique services. We always try to give the best experience without any lost or damage of your valuable goods.
We do weekly Two (02) air shipments and Monthly One (01) sea shipment from China/ Hongkong to Bangladesh. Usually Air shipment takes maximum 7-10 days and Sea shipment takes 40-45 days to deliver to client’s doorstep.
We believe in hassle free experience, each and every time. It’s one of our core responsibilities to deliver the shipments to clients warehouse safely.